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Inner Health Vs. Outer Appearence

Nov 4, 2024

2 min read




You matter and you are loved beyond measure

For the Ladies... and if you're a bloke reading this, here's a little insight into what some of us go through in our heads.

Women often feel confused about food because society emphasizes outer appearance over inner health. It's a tough gig, I tell ya. It's also challenging to stand naked in front of a mirror and accept oneself without criticism. 

Constant self-picking leads to confusion about food choices, focusing on what we shouldn't do rather than focusing on the beauty of what nature requires from us, which is food as close to nature intended it to be with low human interference. Our bodies work without conscious effort, so I aim to simplify diet confusion, removing strict plans and focusing on what we truly enjoy eating. This process is without “food-like substances” e.g.; ingredients that are made in a lab. Not in nature.

These lab-type ingredients are sold to us in a very, VERY clever marketing that takes from our health, they are highly processed, completely void of any kind of nutrition (even though the label tells us the opposite), which I despise, as it's so bloody confusing.

In theory, I have called highly processed ingredients “food-like substances” that they call “food” comes in many ways, like bottles of sauces, sugary drinks, replacing real food in packet items with science, all hijack our beautiful brains, and we become addicted to shitty sugar, shitty fats, and shitty carbs.This kind of hijacking is dangerous to our gut health and the natural function of how our internal ecosystem works. Which, by the way, is truly magnificent.

When women learn to understand and love meals that contain ingredients designed to absorb (without compromising on flavor), we realize that real whole foods are beautifully designed by nature for us to thrive. When we sink into this way of living, our mindset shifts, leading to extraordinary health benefits, like better skin, more energy, and a lighter feeling. This is the effect of the foundation of nourishment, in short. 

We have had countless women come into Jhoii and explain how their weight has shifted as they eat with us 3-5 times a week. How they have stopped dieting and started nourishing themselves in a magnificent way. How they feel inside has shifted.They are lighter on themselves internally and experience inflammation loss, amazing transformations in skin health, and pooping….Yep, you read right, pooping. Moving waste is essential and the more waste that leaves our bodies, the better we experience optimal health. 

The Jhoii menu is designed with your health in mind. It has nothing to do with being vegan or not; it has to do with your digestive system, as it is the gateway for nutrients into our body. Nutrients keep us alive, increase our energy, and improve our well-being. The confusion disappears, making us suddenly fall deeply in love with ourselves, internally rather than externally. And that, my dear friend, is your one job today: to recognize that you matter and you are worth taking care of yourself. We at Jhoii want you to know we have your back, front, and sides when it comes to a meal.

Nov 4, 2024

2 min read





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