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A Few Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

Nov 1, 2024

3 min read




It all began during an unexpected lunch at Jhoii with one of our regular customers, Amanda. She shared a bit about her health journey with me, and we discovered we had a lot in common regarding our body's incredible healing capabilities. She talked about the significant reduction of inflammation in her body.

The same week, another customer stopped me as I was pulling up to Jhoii to grab a snack and said, "Wow, you have lost a lot of weight! What diet are you on? Keto? No carbs? No sugar? Tell me, Chef, you look amazing." I replied, "No diets, and no, it's not the weight I've lost. What I've removed from my body is a lot of inflammation and excess fluid."

What is important to recognise here is that we are ages apart ( Amanda is in her 30s, I am in my 50s). But what makes us the same is that we have the same insides, consisting of 78 organs that play an extraordinary role. We parted ways, and it occurred to me that you and all our other new and loyal customers would be interested in what I am about to share.

I will speak only from experience rather than from Google or hearsay. Over the past 30 years, I have worked with doctors, biochemists, dietitians, and nutritionists. I am the glue that brings their published science years of data collected into food recipes that become what we know as "breakfast, Lunch, Dinner" and sweet food..yum!

Inflammation is the immune system's response to injury, infection, or toxins. It's a necessary process that helps the body heal. But.. when it becomes chronic, it can lead to various health issues.

Chronic inflammation can cause your body to retain excess fluid, making you feel and appear heavier than you are.

Hence, Amanda's story and mine. Reducing inflammation involves a holistic approach that includes being mindful of what you eat. This isn't about being vegan or not; it's about two main factors: Are you feeding yourself food like substances (made in a lab) or food as close to nature intended it to be, with low human interference? ( God Vs. Science) is how I like to refer to it.

Jhoii is a place of nourishment and an enormous amount of flavor. It is in no way a food trend. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods that support your liver, like leafy greens, nuts, good fats, and berries, has also helped immensely.

Amanda's story and my own experience highlight the importance of understanding the difference between weight loss and reducing inflammation. It's not always about the number on the scale but about how you feel and how your body functions.

By focusing on reducing inflammation, you can improve your overall health, increase energy levels, and feel more vibrant without the need for restrictive diets.

So, next time you think about weight loss, consider looking into inflammation and how it might affect your body. Addressing inflammation is the key to feeling your best. Thank you for being part of our community at Jhoii, where we care as much about your health and well-being as you do.

Love your liver

The liver is responsible for detoxifying (altering the structure of) problematic substances inside us so that they can be eliminated. When the liver isn't able to do this critical detoxification work efficiently due to damage from fake foods, fake drinks, alcohol, toxins, or viruses, inflammation increases, and then chronic inflammation happens.

Amp up your intake of anti-inflammatory foods

An anti-inflammatory way of eating essentially means choosing foods from the Jhoii menu as much as possible through a 7-day week, focusing on plenty of green leafy foods, good fiber, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Nurture your gut

The community of microbes in your gut, known as the gut microbiome, play a powerful role in modulating the immune system. Different types of gut bacteria can either increase or decrease levels of inflammation. You can support the health of your gut by incorporating as many different types of plant foods as you can into your way of eating – Jhoii menu has the variety you need. Think of different types of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, pulses, herbs and spices. These all contain different substances that feed your good bacteria and help them to thrive. Fermented foods,  and drinks that we love here at Jhoii, such as miso, kombucha, cultured mayo, cocobiotic yogurt, gmo-free tempeh and kefir are and have a beneficial effect on stomach acid production and hence maintain the vital pH gradient of the gut itself.

That's it from the Jhoii Library of Thoughts. Have a great day, and don't forget to chew your food.

Nov 1, 2024

3 min read





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